ADHD: Soon to be a Learning Disability in BC
There is great news in this article about BC recognizing ADHD as a Learning Disability. It will be interesting to see how this trickles down to the education system and how long it takes for districts to adjust referral systems for designations. Many of our students with ADHD are designated ‘behaviour’ which provides some support from a child care worker but not an academic IEP. In some schools where it is evident a child needs significant learning adaptations a Learning plan or a non-designated IEP is created, which is a great start on providing adaptations for children.
At the school I work in we develop positive intervention plans outlining pro-active strategies to help students when needed. These incorporate both learning adaptations and environmental changes (varied seating, break options, self regulation tools etc) that the classroom teacher and school can provide to better help the child feel calm and ready to learn. The strategies we include could easily be added to a student IEP along with specific learning goals. Helping educators and others see ADHD as a neuro-developmental disorder rather than a behaviour disorder will go a long way in shifting some of the myths and stigmas associated with ADHD.
ADHD : Learning Disability in BC
What do you think? Does your school have an IEP, Learning Plan or Behaviour Plan for your child now? Does it help?
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